
I’ve been away.
How can I come home?

Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time. And you feel a tug at your heart calling you back. Listen to it.

I’m a returning Catholic
and this is my story

Experience a walk with some of us who have returned and listen to our stories

I’m curious about
what you do at Landings

Are you curious about Landings and want to learn more? Come discover the truth, healing and rehabilitation of your faith.

An invitation to return to church

Thinking about starting your journey back to the Church?

While we probably had 101 reasons why we left the Church sometime ago, they are unimportant in the face of something stirring in us as we ponder. 
Should I consider returning?

Well, this is an invitation for you to come back.

Register your details below and we will be in touch before you know it!

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You may withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data at any time by sending an email to: singapore@landings.org.sg with the subject “Withdrawal of Consent under PDPA”